Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day 18-Leaves!

Ok, so yes I am getting terrible at posting everyday. I've been lazy the last few days, and very tired because we've been going to work lik 5 or 6, yes that is AM! lol So anyways, I was out taking pics of the sunset from the deck, and I did not like any of them. I looked down and thought, man we need to sweep these damn leaves off the deck. That moment passed very quickly, so with camera in hand, I took pics of the leaves! I didn't take very many mind you, because it's been in the 30's during the day here all week! Hope ya like it.

Peace, Love & Cold weather!


Overread said...

beautiful blue!

jayfish said...

love the color of this shot.

Scrivener said...

Yeah, the color here is sweet.