Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 57-I'm kinda back.

Ok so, i'm not fully back in action yet. We have the part for the computer but Jack just hasn't fixed it yet. So i'm on his computer because I wanted to post this pic that we took in the "studio". I took pics for a friends neice the other day for her prom and I will prob be posting those tomorrow. I have also done a mini shoot with my brother and his girlfriend so I'll have to post those too. Oh yeah and this pic is better viewed large.
Peace out.


jo(e) said...

It looks amazing at the large size. Good enough to eat.

Overread said...

Hooray for the return of pictures!

Sashanicole said...

LoL, yeah I'm sorry. Been REALLY busy, but hopefully I'm back into the groove! :o)